Hooray for Easter? I mean candy….
I don’t care all that much about the actual Cadbury creme egg (John loves them – my favorites are the hard-shell mini eggs), but I always laugh at the Cadbury bunny commercials. I love the tryouts (particularly the lion in the bow), but you can’t beat a clucking bunny. I know, I’m easy. But it’s funny!
My camera isn’t taking good pictures for some reason (grainy with no flash, and there are glare or dirty lens marks all over the picture when I use the flash), and I can’t find John’s camera (he’s in class, so I can’t ask), so there aren’t any good pictures of the dining room. When I manage to take one I’m willing to let everybody see, I’ll post it. I really want you guys to see it, ’cause it looks GREAT. Like a whole different room. Again. 🙂 The wall where the couch used to be has four dark, very tall bookshelves on it now. Turns out the floor is uneven along the wall right in the center of the room, so we have two shelves coming from the wall by the fireplace. The other two are right up against the light switch by the basement door. Eventually, I want to put a shelf or narrow table or cabinet or something in the space in between with a mirror on the wall above it. The buffet (blond wood) is still on the opposite wall, between the windows, but I think we’re going to get two more of the dark bookshelves and put them there instead. We’ll add doors to the bottom halves of the bookshelves so we can use them for storage space and maybe use the upper shelves for wine glass or something. Ooh, we put glass doors on the upper shelves… Yeah, I want to do that. But that can wait for the next trip to Ikea. I finished rearranging the books last night, and once again (maybe for the first time in this house), all of the fiction fits on shelves on the first floor. With room for more! We have a whole bookshelf free. That won’t last long. One new book and we’re on the last one. And of course I’m not counting the books we have in bags and boxes in the basement (that’s our store inventory), and I haven’t even begun counting the books in Mom and Dad’s basement. Someday I’ll get around to organizing the non-fiction upstairs. I LOVE how the dining room looks with all those books on the shelves.
Enough about me. Except not, because I’m posting this link to The Bloggess because I love the way she tells a story and I laughed at this post. A couple of times. Loudly. And Riley came over to check on me. Apparently, he doesn’t get why she’s so funny. But he’s a dog. What does he know?