Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair
It’s time to leave San Francisco. Almost. I’m jumping the gun a little ’cause this is the last time I’ll be able to post before actually leaving town. I started reading Outlander the other night…I might not finish it. Of course, my only alternatives right now are another Dean Koontz book and something short by Dorothy Sayer. I”ll make sure I have both of those handy on the plane. And uninterrupted reading time on the plane might be just what I need to get more involved in this book.
I got up extra early today to make sure I’d have time to pack after I got ready, and I’ve spent most of that extra time on the internet. And that means I have to go or I’m going to be late. Can’t be late. If all goes well, by this time tomorrow I’ll have been home for 8 hours or so. I hope I hope.