I need to get over this major congestion/sore throat thing. I don’t feel sick, I just need a new head. Around 2am, I moved into the guest room so I could do all my tossing and turning and snoring and sniffling without keeping John awake all night. To his credit, he did volunteer to be the one who slept in the other room, but I when I need to sleep propped up (like I do right now), I sleep better there (or on the couch), where I can pile all the pillows in the house into the corner of the bed and sit up comfortably all night. Stupid allergies.
John is late getting home today. He’s supposed to be working on a project for class, but he hasn’t been able to get some program to run, so he planned to meet with the guy who wrote the program after work today at 5:30. Then the guy rescheduled to 6:30. And John has no idea how long this meeting will take.
Okay, he just called (7:20), and he still has no idea how long this will take. We decided that if he’s not on the road by 8, he should get himself a sandwich (they’re at Panera), and I’ll figure out dinner on my own.
What AM I doing? I just spent 20 minutes condensing compiling combining meshing (what the hell is the word I’m looking for?) CONSOLIDATING (there it is!) my work bookmarks and home bookmarks, and I’m not done ’cause now I’m organizing them. Yes. I separate my books into fiction and nonfiction and then alphabetize them, and then for extra fun, I organize my browser bookmarks by type of site (work, blog, reference, shopping, etc) and alphabet. I bet no one’s having more fun on a Friday night than me. 🙂 And if I needed a clearer indication that there is something wrong with me, it’s that I’m not starving right now. I’m barely hungry. I had a bowl of frosted flakes with a banana sliced up in it for breakfast around 8 this morning and one of those Smart Ones frozen pasta meals for lunch about 1pm. That’s it. Wait, I had half a bagel around 3. But still. I’m usually hungrier than this. Of course, the more I think about it, the hungrier I’m getting.
I just heard from John (8:20), and he’s finally on his way home. So dinner can wait for him. Pizza it is.
You’re right. You’re right. I know you’re right. I’m having a hard time with your title. Are you watching WHMS? Did you see it recently? At least the Melon title had something to do with what you blogged about. Maybe I’m missing something. Waiter, there is too much pepper…
I’m sorry you feel icky. Welcome to springtime! That sucks. 🙁
I watched it the day I wrote the good melon post. It happened to be relevant. Baby fish mouth got stuck in my head, so I used it yesterday. It’s the phrase that’s sweeping the nation.
You should use “Welcome home Bill Baby!” as the title of a future post.
Only when it’s time to fake out the family again about being pregnant.