Censoring myself
I discarded a post that went into detail about the annoying verbal habits of a coworker of mine. SO annoying. But that’s the sort of thing that can get me in trouble, work-wise, and I decided not to post it. I’m applying the lessons I learned from Dooce. Who was in town yesterday, incidentally, because she was invited to participate in a forum on workplace flexibility at the White House. She planned an informal get-together last night, and much as I would have loved to be there to meet all these people I’ve been chatting with, the timing didn’t work out for me. Sad.
You know, it’s hard to avoid writing about work sometimes. I just deleted a couple of sentences about John’s work situation.
Well, since I can’t manage to think about much else, I’m going to quit. We watched an episode of Castle tonight, but it took nearly two hours to get through it. We took turns pausing it to vent about the day. We do feel better, though, and we were able to finish the episode. (Oh no for Beckett!) I love that show.