John thinks I should change my tag line from “What did you expect?” to “Because Non Sequitur was taken”. And now that I’ve checked, it’s not taken, and I wonder if I should buy it…
In honor of John, here are a few unrelated items:
As I dragged my suitcases from the baggage carousel to the train for the rental car counters, I followed a woman leading a doggie train across the street. Why didn’t I take a picture? I’m an idiot, that’s why. The woman had a rolling suitcase behind her, and attached to that, she had what looked like an overnight bag on wheels with mesh sides. The top was open and there were two little white dogs (Westies, maybe) checking out the surroundings. One was seated with just its head poking out, but the other was up on its hind legs, leaning on the front of the bag, craning its neck in every direction. One of the cutest things I’ve ever seen. They looked like they were riding on the caboose of a little train.
My last rental car (a Kia Spectra), while economy, had power everything. You know, the normal things (windows, locks, etc.). This one, a Chevy Aveo, has power NOTHING. Can you remember the last time you were in a car without power locks? Without power windows? My first car didn’t have power locks or windows, but it was an ’88 Corolla hatchback, not a 2009 Chevy four-door sedan, and I haven’t been in that car since…1997.
I finished the Lawrence Block book, The Burglar in the Library, last night before I went to sleep. That’s right – I liked it SO much I couldn’t put it down. Started it on the plane, finished it before I went to sleep. And as soon as I can find a used bookstore around here that’s open when I’m able to get there, I plan to buy several more of his books. And there are lots of used bookstores in Atlanta.
I started watching Marilyn Hotchkiss’ Ballroom Dancing and Charm School tonight, a movie I’m pretty sure John isn’t interested in. I am, but I can’t watch it now. It’s about a guy (Robert Carlyle) getting over the death of his wife. WHY would I want to watch a gut-wrenching, soul-twisting, tearjerker of a movie about a guy who’s lost his wife when I can’t be home with John? I wouldn’t, that’s right, so I’m turning it off. I’m going to curl up in bed with the next Dresden Files book ’cause a little light vampire-killing (or whatever monster he’ll go after in this book) is just what I need.
Sandwich Stealer
I hate to do this, but my comment will only pertain to Cricket. Rest in peace, sweet hatchback that served us so well. Yea, though ye only served me as a handmedown when Z went to college in the big city, thouest served me nobly. And we miss thee. Let Santa smile on thy memory. Can I hear an “Amen”?
They still actually make cars without power locks and windows?! I would giggle every time I rolled down the window, because it would seem like something out of a slapstick comedy.
Apparently, yes. And I don’t mind the windows as much as I mind the locks. I’d really like to be able to lock and unlock all the doors with a button and not have to reach in and do each one in turn.
Apparently, yes. And I don’t mind the windows as much as I mind the locks. I’d really like to be able to lock and unlock all the doors with a button and not have to reach in and do each one in turn.
ɹǝƃƃolquǝʞoʇ tokenblogger
You’d better buy it or I will!
I looked into it today, and yes, is taken. And is for sale for over $900, so I’m suddenly not interested. 🙂