Plants and animals
Because my boss can be pretty cool sometimes, I didn’t have to go to work today. I had a long long list of things I could/should do, and I had great plans to do them. And then I didn’t. Well, I did a few of them. Actually, I did nine out of nineteen, and to be fair to me, some of those things were meant for later in the weekend. Okay, I did plenty today. But I didn’t run and I didn’t go to the grocery store and I kept my out-of-the-house errands to a minimum because Roxy had a “welcome home” seizure last night before midnight and another one this morning, shortly before noon. She’s fine now, but somewhat groggy (we’re under instructions to give her extra medicine after seizures to help prevent clusters – clearly didn’t work last night – and that makes her woozy), so I thought it would be best if I stayed close to home.
One of the few errands I did run today took me to Home Depot. John needed grass seed, and while I was there, I bought a rosemary plant and an oregano plant ’cause MY FACE POTS WERE DELIVERED! Yay! And I already have a basil plant, so I’ll put all three into my new pots and put them…somewhere…to grow. The deck, maybe? I could put them on a plant stand on the front porch (if I had a plant stand. I think I just added that to my shopping list for the weekend.). I definitely can’t put them anywhere in the yard. The rabbits will get them. Like they’ve already eaten the three (maybe it was four) black-eyed susan plants that came back this year. I need plants rabbits don’t like.