I haven’t pointed you guys here in a while, but hopefully you’ve found your own way. In case you need a nudge, check out today’s post. Level 3 makes me laugh and cringe at the same time, particularly near the end of the section.
I solved my focus problem at work today (answer: work closely with someone else), but I’m totally worn out. So for now, for tonight, no internet, no TV.
Wait – almost forgot. Roxy had a seizure last night around 11pm (which might explain some of the tiredness). She’s fine now, and the seizure itself was pretty normal. Just one, no cluster. Her last one was somewhere between 10 days and two weeks ago, I think. I’m not sure because I didn’t write it down or call the vet to let them know. I don’t know why I didn’t. I just let it slip. ‘Cause, you know, I don’t care about my dog. Clearly. Poor puppy.
momma betty
How many people (other than your immediate family) will get your title?
That’s a challenge, btw. And, Randy, you don’t count as immediate family…..but close. 🙂
Hey Schleimie! Way Marie! Wantadis owna sherbare far do me!
momma betty
I don’t think Randy gets it.
Mom, I wouldn’t expect him to. Mindy and I usually go into those routines when we’re drinking, and Randy has (luckily?) missed out on those fun times.