Sunday nights suck

Sunday nights should be abolished.  Sunday night means you have to start thinking about work again, about getting to bed early enough to get a good night’s sleep, what are you going to wear tomorrow, what time do you have to get up in the morning.  When you’re traveling for work, it means making sure the laundry’s done and you’re all packed.  When you’re still in school, add did you do all your homework to that list of things to fret over.  You can have the most relaxing, most wonderful, most fun weekend EVER and still have it be ruined by Sunday night.

Maybe it’s Monday that should be outlawed.  Or work.  Or stress.

The computer-as-TV plan is working great, by the way.  I want a wireless keyboard, small enough to fit in one of the coffee table drawers (no more than 16″ wide), and a wireless presentation-type mouse (like this), so we can control the computer without a  mouse pad.  You know, like a remote.  I need to do a little shopping.

The windows are open, and I can hear the rain on the roof over the porch.  If this keeps up, it’s going to be really hard to get out of bed tomorrow.  Of course, if this keeps up, I won’t be running, and I’ll get an extra hour in bed anyway.  I know what I’m wishing for.


  1. Have you ever heard of Boxee ( I totally feel like a spam-bot right now leaving this comment, but my husband has our machine set up with it and the interface is really convenient. It’s supposed to scope the web for shows that are available and it lists the synopsis information, marks what you’ve already watched, and shows them full-screen, etc. I like it a lot, and it’s free. I know we have a Windows Media Player remote that controls it like a regular remote control so you can pause, fast forward, etc. May not work out for you guys, but I’m liking it much better than when we were doing without it. It makes it very much like having “normal” tv.

    Of course, I also know very little in terms of the details of what our machine is doing. But I would be happy to ask my husband if any info would be helpful to you.

  2. momma betty

    Sunday nights: precisely the reason I design my schedule for T/Th classes. Of course, that means there’s Monday night. But somehow it’s just not as bad.

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