I’m a bad sister who didn’t call. I’ll call you tomorrow.
The forecast for tonight and most of tomorrow is torrential rain. I’m lying in bed, hoping to hear it. I really want to be asleep right now (today was a good day, but long. I’m worn out.). I want to wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of rain beating down (I love that), and then go back to sleep knowing I have a few more hours before I have to go out into the rain to get to work. I need a covered walkway to the car. Parking in the garage is not an option. I don’t trust people who actually park their cars in the garage. What are they trying to hide? Besides their cars? Maybe belonging to the Secret Society of Those Who Park Their Cars in the Garage gives you access to secret underground hideouts, hidden from view in those very garages, only accessible by weight sensor. There has to be a car parked in there to get in. What do they keep in there? I may never know. Wait! I do have a car parked in my garage! I don’t have a secret entrance to an underground lair. Maybe the cars have to be operational. The secret entrance trigger is related to actually driving the car into the garage, not using it for long-term storage. Someday John will get the Camaro back into shape so we can join the Secret Society of Those Who Park Their Cars in the Garage and find out what all the fuss is about.
You read way too much science fiction!!!
Not possible, Dad.