I’m doing something I usually make fun of John for doing: I’m reading three books at once. Not at once, but at the same time. Nope, that’s not right either. I don’t have that many hands, eyes, or brains. I’m in the middle of three books, and I plan to go from one to the next as the spirit moves me, without finishing one first. And – hold on to your hats – one of them is non-fiction! Crazy, right? For me, a little unusual. Also, I say I make fun of John for reading several books at once, but it’s not really something to make fun of (and I’m not really successful at it. That making fun part.). He’s often doing it because he can’t decide what he’s in the mood for, and when one of his books is non-fiction and the other is fiction, I can sometimes see his point. Why am I doing it? I couldn’t decide what to read next. I finished my last book, picked up a book Mom just sent me (a memoir called My Love Affair with England), left it upstairs and, a little absently, picked up No Second Chance to see if I could remember why it was recommended to me, got totally sucked into it (it’s really good!), and then remembered that Hulu is offering a free download from Audible.com and I’d like to listen to a book while I work out at the gym, so I logged in and downloaded The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest (which I had already started reading in PDF). And now you have the long version (and longer sentence) of why I’m reading three books at once. Although if No Second Chance keeps going the way it is, I’ll be back down to two books by morning.
Note for those who care: Audible.com uses DRM, so I’m really glad this book was free. I’m not a fan of DRM.
My husband constantly has a whole stable of books on the go. …Except usually all the exact same genre. There is much confusion on my part.
Sounds like thorough research. He’s on the lookout for bias.
momma betty
I usually read several books at a time, but not fiction–only non-fiction. Fiction has to be read all the way through or I lose the thread of the narrative.
Books? What are these things of which you speak?
Don’t you have time now? Or almost?
Plenty, but I think I’ve forgotten how to read for fun.