I know you’re all dying to know how my anti-itch plan worked last night. Part 1 (the anti-itch lotion) worked great. I was able to sleep through the night (mostly) with only minor itching. No more ankles on fire. Woohoo! The epsom salt bath was TERRIBLE. Made me itch so much more. Bad idea. But yay for lotion.
Tomorrow, I won’t talk about itching or bug bites. Maybe. Probably.
Glad you’re less itchy! I have to be careful with anti itchy lotions…my skin breaks out if I use one with lots of ingredients (I have no idea)…last time I used the wrong one it made the itchy 150 times worse.
The more I know….or something like that 😉
Knowing’s half the battle. If there is a hell, it’s probably very itchy.