So, yeah, it snowed. A lot (we got between 13 and 16 inches). I’m having a hard time getting too excited about it. Can spring just get here already?
And here’s a video of Riley in the snow (proof that I’ve gone over the edge):
So, yeah, it snowed. A lot (we got between 13 and 16 inches). I’m having a hard time getting too excited about it. Can spring just get here already?
And here’s a video of Riley in the snow (proof that I’ve gone over the edge):
Momma Betty
I love it! Our dogs would be bounding, leaping like lemurs. Post more pics.
Get outta my head!
…that’s exactly what I say when I go to the bathroom at work – I walk up to the urinal and annouce “This is where I will peeeee!”
Let’s hope the bathroom is empty.