I cried all the tears

I did a lot of crying today, all over one book.  I only cried three times, but my eyes still feel tearful and my nose is stuffed up (I think that started before the crying, though).  The thing is, it wasn’t a sad book.  There are sad things in it, but it wasn’t about sadness.  And when I cried the first two times, it was in reaction to someone doing a good thing.  The third time was in relief (I think) at the very end.  Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell.  Good book.

I have NO idea what I’m going to read next.


  1. Momma Betty

    I downloaded it and read it yesterday. You’re right: it’s very good. But I didn’t cry. I’m too cynical for that. You’re still a romantic.

  2. Zannah

    Telling me I’m a romantic is nicer than saying I’m easily manipulated. 🙂 When we still had cable, those long-distance commercials often prompted a call to you guys.

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