If I imagine myself eating, I won’t feel so hungry

We spent several hours this morning and early afternoon watching the rest of season 3 of Downton Abbey while the tantalizing smells of a brisket cooking drove us mildly insane.  The brisket just came out of the oven, but the potatoes aren’t ready (John’s in charge of those).  I’m SO hungry.  I will attempt to distract myself with the best science fiction and fantasy short stories from 2007 and our ongoing CD-ripping project.  Wish me luck.

One Comment

  1. momma betty

    Yum. We had leftover (from Friday night) brisket, mashed potatoes, and gravy for dinner tonight. Corey forgot to take their share of leftovers when he and Gaby left yesterday morning. Oh, well. We’ll just have to have more tomorrow night.

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