This afternoon, I got up from my desk in our front room and headed to the kitchen with the express purpose of checking our tomatoes to still if they’re still edible. The kitchen is two rooms away. As I walked through the room in between, I remembered that tomorrow is Thursday and immediately thought, “Yay Thursday!” I started thinking about how much I like Thursdays. They’re such nice days, announcing the upcoming weekend but without all the stress of trying to get ALL THE WORK done before the weekend (which is why I’m less in love with Fridays). They’re friendly days, nonthreatening days. I did a little Thursday happy dance (premature, but maybe I was practicing for tomorrow), and by the time I was done, I was through the kitchen and standing in our bedroom, with NO memory of why I’d gotten up in the first place.
It came back to me within a few seconds, and yes, the tomatoes are still edible (I know you were wondering), but DUDE. Am I flaky? Just old?
momma betty
This called way-early-onset Alzheimer’s.
That…is not funny. Too close to home, Mom.