
I would like a do-over of today.  Can anyone make that happen for me?  I’d really appreciate it.

No?  Fine.  Tomorrow will just have to be my Sunday, plus work.

That sounds awful – all the stress of knowing the work week is about to start, plus it’s actually Monday.  I changed my mind.  Let’s skip straight to Tuesday.


  1. Zannah

    It wasn’t really bad so much as wasted. I could have used the time better. I’d like to try again. And I never did pick a team – REALLY didn’t care that much.

  2. momma betty

    No, hard to be enthusiastic about a sport you don’t care about for a championship game with teams you have absolutely no connection to. I totally agree, but you got to hang out with Jess and John, right? Not a total waste of time, right? (Do I sound a little Pollyannish? Or would that be Pollyanna-ish? The latter, I think.)

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