Friends, the day I’ve been waiting for has finally arrived. I have read (or tried to read and abandoned, which totally counts) all of the physical books on my bookshelf. I have a bunch of graphic novels to read, which a) won’t take long, and b) will be fun, and then I am free free free free free free free free free free free free free to move on the LONG list of books I’ve put on my to-read list or, in some cases, already downloaded to my Kindle app. I’ll probably start with those.
I have to tell you, though – I may have a problem. My eyes just wandered over John’s bookshelf. There are a couple of books there that I plan to re-read before I pick up their sequels. Maaaaaaaaayyyybe I’ll re-read those now, since I will be free free free free free free free free free free free free free free to go find those sequels in e-book format or at the library and not feel guilty about not reading the books on MY shelf. Because I have FINISHED all of the books on my shelf!