My fictional White House

Man, I miss The West Wing, but if I can’t have that (in real life or on TV anymore), at least I can occasionally have things like this: West Wing Fans: ‘C.J. Cregg’ Returns To The White House Briefing Room.  I love Allison Janney, too.  I’ll watch her in anything.

For TV, I recently heard that Madam Secretary might be better than The West Wing.  We haven’t tried it yet, so I’m just passing on someone else’s (possibly crackpot) opinion.


  1. momma betty

    I was going to send you this link yesterday but got distracted by the myriad other things we’re trying to do all at once. I knew it would make you happy.

  2. momma betty

    I keep hearing wonderful things about Veep and Julia Louis-Dreyfus wins emmies for it, but we watched part of it once and just couldn’t do it. Have you tried it?

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