Spick and span

John and I just spent the evening cleaning the house.  It’s not sparkling, but it’s SO much better than normal.  We just need to make this the new normal.

I’m sitting at my (neater than usual) desk in the living room, with Amanda’s accounting book next to me and the Obama bobblehead that Erik and Margaret got me on top of it.  Our Christmas tree (the fake one our neighbor gave us) is over my left shoulder with lights on, and Roxy is on the little rug in front of the piano, gnawing on one of her chew toys.  I think I’ll buy her (and Riley) some new toys this weekend.

The dogs smell so good now!  They got baths at the kennel, so they smell clean and sweet, and they have the cutest bandannas around their necks.  Roxy’s is pink.  🙂

I’m looking at our tree again, and I think we need to put more thought into decorating it next year.  Or whenever we put one up again (since we haven’t been doing it every year).  We have a gold ribbon twining around, but it stops about halfway down.  The lights aren’t very even, but that’s an easy fix, since we’re planning on buying a new one with lights already in it.  Whatever.  It’s too late to put anything thought into it now.

I’m gonna go read my sad book and see if I cry again before I go to sleep.


  1. momma betty

    Yay for clean! We’ve finally got our little house in Fairhope sorted out. I don’t know how long it will stay that way.

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