I’ve been home for a couple of hours. I added our donations to TurboTax (which still says we owe $1500), and then I read a few months’ worth of Dooce archives. During all of this, I found myself wondering if I should switch to Linux instead of Windows, and then move my website to Movable Type instead of WordPress. Why? No real reason. I guess something needs to change. And a new template for my site apparently isn’t enough.
I’ve thought about switching to a different blog site, but then the idea just exhausts me. Still, if I’m going to do it, now is the time. Now that I’ve started blogging on a fairly regular basis and before I start really getting into it. Right? I don’t even know what all is out there.
I don’t know what it takes to move a blog from one platform to another, but I know it can be done. Do you not like blogspot anymore?
And yeah, if you think you might lose your archives in a move (although you should be able to take them with you), better to move now than later.