1. I “loved” that “Bead’s” was also possessive. I love that blog.

    Oh, poor Roxy. I’ll bet she’s glad to b home. Has she had seizures as long as you’ve had her?

  2. I love the unnecessary quotation marks blog. Makes me snicker every time. I think I’m a fan of unnecessary punctuation in general.

    Give Roxie a get-well-soon hug for me.

  3. Zannah

    Everyone, Roxy seems to be doing better now. John gave her a massive dose of her new meds (on doctor’s orders, of course), so she was pretty groggy today. Thanks for thinking of her.

    We got Roxy as a puppy from a local shelter, and for the first year, she was fine. She started having seizures right around her first birthday, and she’s been having them ever since. It wasn’t a gradual buildup. They just started. After the first spate, we started her medication and she had one about once every month for a long time. That was six years ago this coming July.

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