A book I can’t recommend and a cheesecake I can

I finally finished The Impossible Bird a couple of days ago.  What a weird-ass book.  I can’t even describe it.  There are these two guys, brothers, who are dead (the book says so in the beginning), but they’re still acting like they’re alive, and there’s something to do with aliens that are hummingbirds, or they’re using the hummingbirds, and they (the brothers) have to kill each other, but they’re already dead, and they have to come to terms with…something…it was seriously weird, and I don’t really know what it was about.  But it’s over, and I moved on to the next book in the Dresden Files series.

I had this delicious shrimp etouffee at Copeland’s of New Orleans for dinner tonight.  And then, because I couldn’t resist, I got the cheesecake napoleon (cheesecake with layers of pudding cake on either side) with bananas foster as a topping to go.  It looks and smells like the best thing ever, but I haven’t tried it yet.  Typing is keeping me away from it and I’m starting to think that’s not the best arrangement.  Which means typing will have to go.  It’s calling my name!

Updated: Who cares about cheesecake?  Not me.  It’s the pudding cake drenched in whatever bananas foster is made of that I can’t get enough of.  SO good.  And SO not good for me.


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