Thanks to this post at Three Word Chant! (punctuation theirs), I think I’ve found my new favorite place to go for a chuckle. Check this one out.
I found that link because I’m in the middle of organizing my bookmarks. Again. (And that means I have to go to every single bookmarked site to see if I want to keep it.) When I organized them last time, I put all the blogs I read in one folder, in alphabetical order. When I have free time, I go through the list in order. But I’ve had so little free time lately that I haven’t been getting far down the list, and I’ve inadvertently been missing some of the sites I used to read daily just because their names start with letters in the second half of the alphabet. Then I feel bad for neglecting them because that reminds me of always being stuck at the back of the line (for lunch, for assemblies, for field trips) in the elementary school because my last name started with an S. Now my last name starts with a B, but that hardly matters ’cause no one asks us to line up in alphabetical order anymore. Anyway, I’m over that, but I don’t want to treat my favorite blogs the same way. So now, my favorites are in a Daily Blog folder, separate from the rest. Yes, I play favorites. And I need to update my blogroll, but that will have to happen on a day that’s not so beautiful. Because why am I inside? It’s gorgeous out there!
I have to shower (ran six miles this morning – go me!) and then go to the library. I need books on CD for my super-long commute (now that I’m not carpooling anymore).
Also, I am totally losing my mind. There was something else I planned to write about, but I have NO idea what it was.
Thanks for the mention! That’s a great site…and thanks to offices everywhere it seems to never run out of content
You’re very welcome, Evan! Have you seen The “Blog” of “Unnecessary” Quotation Marks yet?
Similar setup and often hilarious.
Wombat Central
Yay! Your comments are working again!
I “love” the “blog” of which you “speak” where people use “unnecessary punctuation.”
Have you seen this one yet? I hope it doesn’t come across as racist so much as hilarious.
I keep forgetting about that one! Maybe subconsciously, I feel like I shouldn’t be laughing. But I do.
Great – yet another site to use in my endless quest for procrastination…
…and I can tell you as someone who grew up as a B, it ain’t all that great; no chance of not getting called on when you forgot to do that middle school report/project.
But I use unnecessary “punctuation” all the time! Also, sometimes I start my sentences with conjunctions.
I like the passive aggressive notes site too (thank you for the reminder, as I haven’t stopped by in a while). Reminds me of my University days in a house with four girls.
And you know why I haven’t stopped by there in a while? Because you are totally not alone in the internet-organization dilemmas. I most recently organized everything in my Google reader by category and then by frequency of reading, but I never get past the first category now. The perils of an active online life. 😉
Greg, you’re welcome. Glad I could help. 🙂
Curiosity, I often end sentences with prepositions. And I’m not ashamed of it! Wonky uses of quotes, though, I’ll make fun of day in and day out.