You know what I love? Charities that pick up from your doorstep. Since we moved to this house, we get regular calls from AMVETS, Purple Heart, and the National Children’s Center (NCC) telling us they’ll be in our neighborhood on a certain day and asking if we have anything to donate. I ALWAYS say yes, and then when they call with a reminder the day before, I spend that night (sometimes the next morning before work) scrambling to find things to donate. It’s never hard (okay, sometimes it’s hard), and I love it because it forces me to reevaluate everything in the house. Especially the closet. (Also, you know, it’s good to donate. If you want to be all altruistic and stuff.) The only time it becomes a problem is when I say yes to both Purple Heart and NCC and then realize they’re coming by on consecutive days. So I had to make sure I had least two bags’ worth of stuff, so I could put one bag out this morning for Purple Heart and another one out tomorrow morning for NCC.
If you’re interested in something totally unrelated, you should check out I Am Bossy. Have you been watching Bossy’s (no) book tour across the country? She’s crazy. And funny. (I overuse the word “hilarious”. I’m aware of this.) And she’s met Jenny (The Bloggess) twice, I think. I think that would be awesome.
Wombat Central
Donating rocks. You know what else rocks? Having people show up at your house to haul away your junk and PAY YOU FOR IT. Hooray for yard sale season!
You should see the pile I’m building for Goodwill to come get!
momma betty
We all have so much extraneous stuff. Thank goodness there are groups that help remind us of that.
When I lived in Chicago and Denver, I just started leaving bags full of stuff in the ally behind my house. The bums liked that they didn’t have to go to goodwill and pay for it. It never lasted more than a day or so.
Oh- and I checked out The Bloggess for the first time ever. hilarious!
Direct donation – Suz, you should start a program. In Detroit! I’m sure it would be a hit.
That would mean I would have to go INTO to detroit to directly donate. I’m not so sure the benefits outweigh the risks on this one…. But good idea!
I said Detroit, but I meant Flint. 🙂 In my head for a few minutes there, Flint=Detroit. Sorry!